Thursday, November 3, 2016

EX-SERVICEMEN WELFARE: Second Opinion - Second-Class Soldiers : Why our babudom continues to be given preference over our defence services - By Jug Suraiya

EX-SERVICEMEN WELFARE: Second Opinion - Second-Class Soldiers : Why our babudom continues to be given preOROP- A FEAST ON SPOILS

The suicide of Vn.Sub.RK Grewal has produced some memorable stage performances by politicians of all hues. The theatrical histrionics exhibited by politicians on the death of a veteran beats performances of established thespians on stage. The tragic incident got converted into a melodramatic magnum opus just because frustrated political parties lead by netas who lost credibility wanted to extract as much mileage as possible out of this tragic happening.
All players involved in the drama were unanimous on one point that the sad incident happened because the Govt. did not implement OROP. Arvind Kejriwal accused the PM of lying about OROP. We have also seen statements similar to this, rather blatant lies paraded as gospel truth, coming from many other leaders of varying degrees of importance which to mention a few include ,S/sri Rahul, Surjewala, Hooda, Somnath, Raghav Chadda, etc.
Before analyzing their statements let us find out whether OROP has been implemented or not.
There can be-( there are-) difference of opinion on certain points like whether it is done in accordance with the recommendation of Hoshiary Committee – or equalization criterion is resolved etc. Accepting that these anomalies do exist one has to accede that the Govt. has done justice to veterans to a large extend . The anomalies have been studied and probably addressed by OMJC and the report of the commission is now with MoD. The leaders of the agitators with political ambitions may differ with this view but a Jawan who has struggled to make both end meet till a couple of years ago will say that he is now in a better financial position due to the implementation OROP. He will feel more satisfied if OMJC resolves the anomalies. The arrears accruing out of Delinking of QS for full pension further will ameliorate his financial stature.
It is an undisputed statement of fact that it is the present Govt which gave this relief to veterans. To say this with conviction one need not be the supporter of the political party in power. An objective mind is all that you need.
Arvind Kejriwal, the PM did not lie to the nation but being a congenital liar, YOU ARE. Do you think you can redeem your diminishing credibility by these gimmicks. You can deceive your coterie for some time-, even they are deserting you- but not general discerning public all times. 
Before going into the veracity of the uttering of others let us examine how genuine is the reason given by the late veteran for his extreme action. The reason he gave, according to reports ,that he was not given OROP. If that was correct how was he drawing over Rs.22,000/-as pension? He may not have got his second pension for the period of service in territorial army. From the reports available there was an error in calculation at the end of PDA. How can this can be attributed to non implementation of OROP. Late Grewalji may have faced difficulties with bank and PCDA but his individual case does not deserve to be categorised as non implementation of OROP for veterans. I may get flaks from different quarters for this view but I am convinced that truth must not be distorted. I say this with all respect to the veteran who is not with us anymore.
He had experienced, for sure, innumerable obstacles when fighting to get his legal entitlement. But does it mean that OROP is denied to veterans as alleged by Kejriwal - Rahul combine?
There are over 2 million ESM in India. There can naturally be a percentage of error while dealing with this mammoth volume. He could have waited for some more time till the anomalies are addressed by the commission. We have waited for 43 years to get something like the present OROP another a few weeks or months would not have made much difference. Alas, he thought differently. May his soul RIP.
Rahuljee is the most worried person in South East Asia. Generations on, his family has been fighting for the right of the armed forces. From 1973 onwards successive govt. led by the stalwarts of his family gave OROP and raised the status of defence forces to unimaginable heights; and the happiest fighting men pleaded to the powers that be to lower the privilege and perks to a level little below that of poor bureaucrats. Having achieved all these now Rahuljee is sleepless because Modi has curtailed all these privileges to the ESM. How cruel on the part of MODI ?!!!
Rahul Zindabad will restore all the lost glory to ex servicemen. Grinning ear to ear in a condolence event is the best way to achieve this . Surjewalajee please sing hallelujah to your hypocrite leader. OROP is synonym for Rahul jee.
Coming to Surjewala jee. He said he knew Late RK Grewal who was a congress man and during the late veteran’s last conversation with his son he purportedly told that he was ending his life for the cause of ex servicemen.This conversation was recorded by the son of the deseased. Surjewala also ventilated his anger towards Modi jee for not implementing OROP which was sanctioned by UPA. Do you know the meaning of OROP, Mr. Surjewala. What did the Govt. of your party do for 40 years ? on OROP? Instead you cut down pension from 75% to 50%, down graded status of COAS from 2nd to 12 th in warrant of precedence and for all we care you can sing OROP Rahul Zindabad. Please do not fool the people. Ask the Ex service men they will tell you what Modijee has done for them.
Raghav Chadda says that the ESM sacrificed his life fighting the enemy and hence given status of a martyr. who is the enemy? According to Chadda, The Prime Minister of India. Mr.Chadda do you understand the seriousness of the allusion you have made ? Do you know what a soldier who fights against the PM who heads the Govt is called? You have accused and insulted the late ex soldier of a great crime. You must apologise to the Ex Servicemen Community unconditionally and wow never to speak on matters of Defence hereafter.
A statement made by Gen.VK Singh is given a different color by Somnath Bharthy and and others. His statement that what was his mental state when he took the decision is interpreted by Bharthy and others as terming him to be of unsound of mind. The mental status of a person deciding to end life will definitely be abnormal but necessarily do not mean unsound. If Bharthy and co wants to interpret it as unsound they should undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
The events following the incidents such as his funeral and the drama followed after that shows the real motive behind this drama. Kejriwal rushes immediately to JNU to spew venom on PM and Rahul stages another candle light farce at JM.
Enough is enough as regards OROP. Majority of ESM are satisfied. Anomalies are being looked into. Please leave it at that DO NOT POLITICISE THE ISSUE. Politicians KEEP OFF.
Suffice to say that there seem to be much more than what meets the eye in the suicide and the events following it. 
Every Shylock wants his pound of flesh. The whole episode reminds me of a remark by the great Malayalam Poet Satirist, the great Kunjan Nambiar, when witnessing the unveiling of a pillar like multilayered oil lamp “ It is magnificent, but we must also be compensated with money”
Vultures vie each other feasting on corpse.
What ever anyone may say it is ADVANTAGE MODI now.
I was just concluding this writeup when I happened to watch Karan Thapar’s interview of Gen. Kadiyan/Raghav Chadda/Manish Tiwari.
Chadda had to admit that Arvind’s declaration “PM is lying on OROP” had to be swallowed by him and he had to admit that OROP is implemented but not in full.
Manish could not defend the accusation that Rahul refused to help on orop when the Gen. with other two Generals met him in 2010. Manish had to say that Generals statement is one sided and had to be corroborated by Rahul
An abject surrender by both before the razor edge questioning of Karan.
What low we have stooped ?
As mentioned above I may have to face broadside fire for this write up.
Vn JWO Sukumaran Nairference over our defence services - By Jug Suraiya

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